A nice pair of laced reins, made of black Sedgwick leather. They're longer than standard ones (traditionally made 55" long) and 5/8" wide. For the lacing work I've used the same leather, conveniently splitted and cut 1/4" wide. Stainless steel buckles, buckle bit billets.
1 m long "rein leash" and padded collar both made in hazel Sedgwick leather forn a japanese friend living in Australia... it'f the first time I do "arrive" so far!
This collar looks quite close to this one, with brass instead of stainless steel: made out from a 3/4" strip, padded with neoprene lined in soft but tough panel hide. I moved the dee in a safer position, closer to the buckle, so buckle will never press against dog's throat...Rein leash finally found its ideal length: first prototype was 1.5 m long, too much for urban use.
Here it is, probably the best looking collar I've ever made. Brother of this one, only a little longer. 3/4" wide leather strip, stainless steel fittings.
Appunti di Selleria, italian for Sketches from the Saddlery: here you'll find tack, equestrian accessories, collars and leashes for dogs, riveting repairs reports, care tips and many more.
Every item I'm displaying here is unique, custom-cut, entirely handmade following the traditional methods and using only first class materials.
I'm just an enthusiast, this is NOT a shop so I cannot publish pricing... but this doesn't mean I cannot make something for you!
If there's something you like and want to know more about it:
- please leave a comment including your email address (I won't publish or share it, don't worry);
This is the english translation of my italian blog... Sorry, I'm an italian guy and english's not my first language. Translation is still in progress, older posts are not availabe in english yet but they will come soon!